
The Life of a Lighthouse

Do you know what the purpose of a Lighthouse is? Have you ever lost or misplaced something in your home you really need? The remote control maybe? Your phone? When something with purpose is missing, its function can't happen. We are spiritual lighthouses with purpose placed by God and when we are missing, our function is missing. [...]

Why Waste Your Time?

Have you ever wasted your own time? Wasting your time on a day off is the worst. This is the next message in our "Change Your City" series titled - "Don't Waste Your Time". Our district supervisor told us about when he had cancer and God placed a word on his heart "don't waste a good cancer". [...]

Why Is a Distracted Driver a Dangerous Driver?

Have you ever been caught behind or next to a distracted driver? So scary. "Distracted driving is the act of driving while engaging in other activities which distract the driver's attention away from the road." This is the latest message in our "Change Your City" series, titled "Distracted Driver". We've been looking at Jesus and his [...]
Preaching on Jesus in the New Year

New Year, New You

Have you made a New Year's resolution? I have heard some good ones, bad ones, ridiculous, amazing resolutions over the years. A favorite one that I heard was "I wanna take naps on boats". I asked about where or if they had a harbor in mind. They said "nah, just wanna be more like Jesus." The #1 [...]

Are You Ready Yet?

Have you ever been waiting on someone to get somewhere? You both knew about an event, or gathering, or something for weeks and it's finally the day, but they aren't ready yet? Or maybe you're in the other shoes, everybody else is in the car ready to go and you are still getting ready. This is [...]
Inside Ventura Church encouraging message on Christmas

All I Need For Christmas

Ever see a child open a present they "needed" at Christmas but not what they "wanted"? Thanks for the socks and underwear Grandma. As a society we have come to place greater value on what we want than what we need. But Jesus was the ultimate need gift and still is today. We are in [...]
Pastors at Ventura Church preaching on Jesus outdoor service

When Promises Come True

We know that God's promises are "yes and amen"; but how do we activate them in our lives to change the lives around us for the kingdom? That's today's message "Producing Promise" in our "Change Your City" series. The reasons why Jesus was able to change His city Connected to the God Connected to Community [...]
Young pastors in Ventura preaching about Jesus on a windy day

Why Do I Keep Coming Up Empty?

Ever feel like you're doing everything you know to do, but it just doesn't amount to anything? Or what your trying to get never materializes? Sometimes we can find ourselves close to Jesus and still feel like our nets are empty. Listen to this message and build your faith to fill your nets. This is [...]
Live Church meeting in person during caronavirus in Ventura preaching on Faith

What is Faith Forward?

How do you move your faith forward? Or how to do you live a life from a place of faith? Where it’s at the forefront of everything you do… everything you are. And why would or should you? That’s the subject of todays Faith Check message “Faith Forward”.  Let's look at the gold standard of [...]
Pastors at Ventura Church preach on how to have faith

Is Your Faith Reliable?

Have you ever been expecting or needing something from someone who is not reliable? We all know what it feels like to hope this time they will come through. And we all know what it feels like when they don't... again. Today's Faith Check message is titled "Reliable Faith". We're going to look at the [...]
Ventura Church Pastors preaching their home

How do you have fruitful faith?

Is your faith genuine or fake? Real fruit or fruit flavored? Can it give nutrition, reproduce? Or does it rot over time, go stale? We’re continuing our deep dive into FAITH, in this message of our Faith Check series - Fruitful Faith. Jeremiah 24 After Jehoiachin son of Jehoiakim king of Judah and the officials, [...]

How to Find Peace in a Crisis

Finding peace in an extended crisis… is that even possible? Today we find ourselves in unprecedented times; stuck behind closed doors. How are you coping with the extended timelines? Does fear overwhelm you? Do you look for things to occupy your time? Do you turn to humor and try to laugh it all away? We […]

Friends hiking in Ventura hills

Celebrating Easter At Home Together

Easter 2020 will be one we all remember… it was the Easter we were all stuck at home under quarantine. Yet it’s somehow fitting, as the message this week takes place in someone’s home. Today we celebrate Jesus shaking death, hell and the grave, off himself and giving every person the ability to do the […]