What is Unshakeable Faith?

Pastors in Ventura preaching on Faith

What is Unshakeable Faith?

What does it mean to have unshakable faith? Constant, unfailing, indisputable, without question…It all starts with having Jesus as our foundation - last weeks bones give us the ability to move and carry forward. In this weeks message "Faith Check - Unshakeable Faith", we look at just that. Confident constant faith that carries you through [...]
Pastors in Ventura Church talk about Hope wins while smiling in kitchen

Hope Wins

Can I let you in on a secret? Hope wins! Every time. This is the last in our Can’t Cancel Hope series. I knew before we started this series the last thing to be spoken was Jesus in the tomb.  In fact, one of the core images in my mind of this series was the [...]
Ventura Church pastors talking about Hope during coronavirus

Hope is 6ft Away

Have you ever felt so alone it weighs on you? Where you're longing for an answer that seems forever away or impossible? Not actually talking about coranvirus and the ongoing stay at home orders. I'm actually talking about leprosy. Lepers were required to stand 6ft away and wear cloth face masks. Crazy similarity to today, right? [...]
Girl standing in Ventura with white tank top and with hope is on the way

Hope IS On the Way

Have you ever waited too long? When we feel stuck for too long; hope becomes hurt. Proverbs 13:12 says, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick..." Moses is the perfect example. This is the latest message in our “Can’t Cancel Hope” series, about people stuck in places, holes, caves, boats, isolation… They are separated and we have [...]
Man hiking in snowy mountains

Finding Healing and Wholeness

How to discover healing and true wholeness is the topic of Lighthouse 805 Church’s next episode in the Get Behind Me series. This week – “Healed by Jesus” explores the woman with an issue of blood and her posture and position with Jesus that led to complete healing and restoration. Are you ready to be […]