Ready, Set, GO
This is how you are to eat it: with your cloak tucked into your belt, your sandals on your feet and your staff in your hand. Eat it in haste; it is the LORD’s Passover. Exodus 12:11
The Lord was about to bring the last of the 10 plagues on Pharaoh and Egypt, the death of each first born son in the land. Moses gives instructions to the Israelites to prepare themselves for their deliverance commenced by the Lord’s killing of the first born sons, except where He passes over the houses marked with blood. There is urgency in the preparation and plan; cloak tucked into your belt; sandals on your feet; staff in your hand; eat it in haste. This urgency can be applicable to our lives today. Not so much at the point of salvation, but definitely in our daily walk after that. We are not meant to be bystanders in our Christian walk. Christianity is a hands on, active journey. Make each day count for God’s Kingdom, whether it is a small or big step today, keep stepping forward. Run hard for our high calling in Jesus Christ.